What Smell Do Roaches Hate?Use It Now!


Roaches hated smell non-toxic and natural repellents without any chemicals presence. Roaches access the high developed sense of smell with the antennae or identify the smell situation. So, this is plus point for repel roaches with different strong odors. But sometime in serious infestation might you need for professional team for Cockroaches control services. Some people don’t know about roaches stay in your kitchen and bathroom. Natural methods of removing roaches is safe for your health and living environment without any harmful chemicals. So many scents that’s hate roaches make sure you use first these odors for repellent and wait for our team. When you finally fail remove roaches then our team help you for roach’s free home.

Just need to use some multiple scents in different living areas, depends on the roaches entry points and your home entry where human and pets come in home. For catching the roaches these scent are more suitable for spread where risk of roaches coming in home. Roaches just sense the smell for food but they sense repellent scents or keep away.

What Smell Do Roaches Hate? -The answer

Roaches hate some effective repellent smells. While some scents are herbs scents, plants, spices and some essentials oils and various homemade scents. These natural scents and odors effective for the utilize scents into the environment and ensure a make roach free environment without any large efforts.

What Natural Scents Keep Roaches Away Safely? 

Natural scents use for keep away roaches is the best repellent without any health risk for humans and pets. It’s a best way to repel roaches in your home and business are roaches’ free environment. Lots of ways for repel roaches with harsh chemicals, but they weren’t safe for health and environment. So, here are some effective natural repellents for roaches keep away without any health risk for pets and human. Listed below!


  • Mint is a fresh natural repellent against the roaches keep away. It’s a starting way of spread strong scent that emitted by mint plants and effect on pests. Researcher cleared on the mint plant is reveal toxic scent for roaches.  Mint is effortless or time saving natural repellent for roaches. So, use mint scent in your home and business area for hate roaches smell and they keep away.
  • Fresh Mint plants enrich in your garden, add in around kitchen laundry or also add mint plant, mint flavor in your dishes. Mint fresh your environment and roaches away.
  • Use peppermint, mint, or spearmint essential oil in spray bottle with add some water.

 Essential Oils 

Essential oils are very effective for keep away roaches, ants, rats and more pests. It’s easy to store in your home and safe for your environment. Just mix Essential oils with some aromas and enjoy the roaches free home. Basically essential oils are best and effective way of repellent roaches with those smells who hated by roaches. Some of the list is given below for natural effective results.

  • Citrus Fruits
  • Tea tree 
  • Bergamot
  • Cypress
  • Lavender
  • Eucalyptus

Bay Leaves 

  • Bay leaves is a natural repellent for roaches and effective for natural treatment provide for roaches’ free home. Roaches hate the smell of bay leaves and keep away from your home. Just crushing the Bay Leaves and spread around in the kitchen cabinets, sink draw, bathroom drain. It’s helpful for roaches keep away and your environment is safe without any harsh chemical.
  • In which strong aroma amount that’s hated by the roaches and they keep away. This way is a old natural technique for repel roaches. Bay leaves helps to stop the roaches from entry in your house with leaves smell.


  • Cucumbers have own natural chemical smell for roaches’ repellent. About cucumbers researched proved in 1982 roaches hate the cucumber smell and keep away from home. When cucumber is cutting by in small pieces its more effective for repel roaches. If you dice the pieces at entry points of roaches its very helpful repellent because roaches hate cucumber smell and keep away.
  • When you use cucumber for natural repellent make sure cucumber is fresh or cut into slice or small pieces. If you want keep pest away indoor or outdoor and also when you are not available in your home, then you must try this natural repellent for roaches keep away from your home.

Coffee Grounds

  • Coffee grounds are sometimes use for natural repellent for roaches keep away. For coffee ground researches says they have some potential factors in which contains some insecticidal properties, caffeine, diterpense against for roaches keep away. Coffee ground smell hate by roaches and its eco-friendly natural pest control natural repellent for roaches and other pests.
  • Coffee grounds safe in your home environment also the ground alone is a healthy option for using in roaches’ baits, and traps, may be they combination of chemicals and toxic ingredients. More you can small pieces of coffee grounds place into the entry points of roaches like, cabinets, windows, sink pipes.  Coffee ground smels hate by roaches and they immediate keep away with these techniques. Also you can make the roach trap with mix water and coffee grounds in a bottle with opening point.

Citrus Scents

  • Lemons, oranges, and grapefruits smell hated the roaches, or natural repellent of roaches. These scents work against the roaches just peel these fruits around your home, and roaches away from your home. Just you focus the roaches areas like kitchen cabinets, counters and other home areas which are curious about pests.
  • You wipe these areas with these citrus flavor cleansers or make you’re by own fruit cleansers. Alter way of peel the fruit around appliances in kitchen or any other area or use citrus oils as a deterrent. Best way of roaches keeps away.‍

Tips for Repelling Cockroaches with Natural Scents

We just discuss the natural home repellent for keep roaches away the roaches hated smell. Now, we tell about when roaches suddenly appear then some tips you use natural repellents home for pest free home. These quick tips are helpful for next attack of roaches and other pests. Let’s Discuss!


Location is very important when you place the natural repellents scents. You must to seal the areas where you confirm roaches come and visit many times when you are outside or inside home. Also this is safe for your children’s, pets and your household foods. Must read about the scents and usage while you use scents in your location.

Reapply Often 

Roaches infestation is an ongoing process, must be place your deterrents regular bases and clean them routinely. Sometimes natural scents are losing their properties so make sure and check the scents freshness and chemical potential. Must be watch or confirm the how many time long natural repellent scents is affective after leaving the place of pest’s areas.

Mix Sprays 

Mix Spray with natural repellents is a common way od roaches repellents, because it’s a simplest and easy way use in home and business area. Just simple mix the oils, water or repellent ingredients in spray bottles and spray the areas where you infest about the pests.

You use variety of the sprays with essential oils with adding different aroma or other ingredients. Must respray every week or twice a week.


For roaches keep away using natural scents that hated by roaches is a best effort for pest fee environment natural way. But when you take large effort with natural repellents or failed some ways to remove roaches then you must need to professional team for pest control service in your home and business area. Because it’s difficult to eliminate properly they come back again.

So, for long term solutions and roaches’ free environment trust the our professional team control pests with affective methods and solutions to eliminate roaches. We provide long lasting satisfies results for our customers. Contact Us today for a free quote and enjoy roach free environment.


What is a roaches’ biggest weakness?

Roaches biggest weakness is sense of smell; they smell with long antennae.

What are roaches afraid of?

Roaches afraid from lights and natural repellent smells like essential oils, coffee grounds, citrus smells.

What smell keeps roaches away?

Peppermint oil smell use with strong aroma is a best smell for roaches keep away.

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